Hi, my name is

Lennart Fujisawa

I build things on the web

Portrait Lennart Fujisawa


I'm a full stack developer from Germany based in Tokyo who loves to develop things for the web. I have a background as a public relations manager, but I've always had a passion for technology. As a PR manager, I led several web projects and two scientific research projects on Big Data, which reignited my passion for technology. Random facts about me: When I'm not trying to improve my coding skills, I play the guitar or practice Kyudo (Japanese archery).

Skill set:

Icon Javascript JavaScript
Icon TypeScript TypeScript
Icon React React
Icon Redux Redux
Icon React Native React Native
Icon Vue.js Vue.js
Icon Angular Angular
Icon Bootstrap Bootstrap
Icon Material Design Material Design
Icon Node.js Node.js
Icon Express Express
Icon MongoDB MongoDB
Icon PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
Icon jQuery jQuery
Icon Firebase Firebase


Here are some projects I've been working on recently, more projects can be found under GitHub.

myFlix movie app

Movie app built with MERN stack that allows users to log in, update account data, and access information about movies from a database. The server side is based on REST API and database. The client-side interface was built with React and Bootstrap.

Meet app

Serverless progressive web application built with React using test-driven development. The application uses the Google Calendar API to retrieve data about upcoming events. User can search events by city and select the number of events displayed. Event statistics are displayed in a pie chart and a score chart.


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A client-side for a movie app based on server-side REST API and database built with Angular and Material Desgin. Users can sign up and log in, update their personal information and create a list of their favorite movies, as well as view data about the movies.

(Preview image made with techsini.com)

Weather app ☀️

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A weather app created with VUE that allows the user to search for a city and then view the current weather and temperature. There is also a 24 and 48 hour forecast. Depending on the current weather, the background image changes. The app retrieves the weather data through a backend that handles the calls to the OpenWeather API.

(Preview image made with techsini.com)

Chat app

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Icon Javascript Icon React Icon React

A mobile chat app built with React Native and developed with Expo. It is optimized for iOS and Android. Users can authenticate anonymously using Google Firebase authentication. Google Firestore Database is used to set up a real-time database. Messages are also stored locally on the user's mobile device via Async Storage, allowing users to access their messages offline. Users can send messages and share images and their locations.

(Preview image made with mockupsjar.com)


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Pokedex app is a simple app that lists 151 Pokémon by name. Clicking on a Pokémon entry displays more details about the Pokémon including a picture of the Pokémon in a modal. All data is loaded from the PokeAPI via Ajax. In the app Pokémon can be searched by their names.

(Preview image made with techsini.com)


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A basic to-do list created with jQuery. Add, delete or rearrange the position of the entry using the interface.

(Preview image made with mockupsjar.com)


Interested in a collaboration or do you simply want to get in touch?

Write me a message!